Sunday 2 January 2011

First time part 13

Hey guys so this will be in the POINT OF VIEW OF FARAH, when she went out for a walk and Nasser followed her :)

I decided to go out for a walk and talk to my boyfriend. No one else knows but I'm planning to tell Sarah, since she's like a sister to me! But I'm not sure how she'll react if she knew. I just took out my phone and started texting him. His name is Khaled, he's in his last year of high school. I love him soo much! I can't imagine my life without him, we've been together for 2 months. Just when I wanted to start texting I heard footsteps behind me. I turned around and it was Nasser. I stopped so he could catch up.

Nasser: hi

Me: hala

Nasser: soo shitsaween ihne broo7ich?? yaya timashain?

Me: ee bashim hawa shway, malait min il movie!

Nasser: yala bamshee wiyach :)

We started walking and talking about random things when Nasser brought out a subject about marraige.

Nasser: Mita widich titzawijain?

Me: umm..uhh...walla ma adree laman a5ali9 jam3a or last year 7asab

Nasser: inzain o cham i3yal tabeen??

Me: why are you asking these questioins?
I said while laughing.

Nasser: bs chithee, yala jawbay

Me: 2 or 3...Nasser hal as3ila mo7rija bs 5ala9!

I said while whining at him like a little child. He was laughing, when got embaressed and tripped over a rock I didn't see. I was falling in my face, when Nasser's arms were wrapped around me, so I wouldn't fall. I looked up at him, with his arms still wrapped around me. He was inches away, but not too close. We looked into each others eyes silently, then he broke the silence.

Nasser: a7ibich


Nasser: Fara-

Me: Nasser...I have a boyfriend.

I couldn't believe I said this! But I have too, before he says anything else. His arms were slipping away slowly until it was by his sides. He couldn't believe what he heard!

Nasser: shino??

Me: you heard me.
I said looking down.

Nasser: 3indich..a-a boyfriend??
I just nodded.

Nasser: min mita?!

Me: Nasser lat3a9ib

Nasser: shloon ma a3a9ib?! Ma agdar ashoofich with another guy! O shdarach itha ohwa 9ij yi7ibich??!! Haa? Jawbay!

Me: Nasser, ohwa galy a7ibich!
I said with tears in my eyes.

Nasser: ra7 itshoofeen ya Farah, a5er shay ra7 yihidich, o intay shino ibtistifeedeen?? Ohwa mo il 5asran. Wa7ed '3areeb itkalmeena?? Wala matiwa8a3tha minich Farah.

And with that he left. He walked away towards the chalet, and left me here with shock. Since when does he love me?? Why didn't he tell me before? Why didn't he tell me when I used to love him? But he chose to tell me, when I finally moved on and got a boyfriend. But it's too late.
comments!! love u all ;*


  1. 7raaaaaaaaaaaaam ya7laailah nasser

  2. Omg farah mal 6ag!!! Oo nasser magool Ella Allah e3enah!!

  3. 7abebty thank u for posting it was a perfect post
    please lat6awleen 3alaina :)

  4. Anonymous 1: ee yaksir il 5ader! :(

    girl with the petite appetite: hahaha! lool, ihya (farah) miskeena she used to love him! :( bs now she moved on;p

    Anonymous 2: thank you 7abeebty! o inshallah I'll post soon ;)
